This page lists opportunities for marketing service providers to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI's), Respond to Tenders, Get Listed as a Contender for Consideration or to Be Invited to Quote for the following Promotional and Marketing Communications services:
Lead Generation and Appointment Setting: On-line, telemarketing, social media generated, and all other lead generation services)
Social Media Marketing: FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, etc, etc, etc,
Web Development: All SEO, SERP, SEM, SMO, CRO, ORM, off-page & on-page, including CMS, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, ExpressionEngine, jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, meta-tag optimisation, etc.
E-Commerce Development: Magneto, Prestashop, OSCommerceetc.
Creative Services: HTML 5 & CSS3 design, Landing Page design, Template design, Emailer Design, Logo Design.
Technical Services: PHP, MYSQL, Laravel, Zend, CodeIgniter, Cake PHP, Symphony, ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#, Ado.Net, Linq, SharePoint, MVC4, Entity Framework, etc.
Mobile Apps: (Android, IOS, Windows Phone), Phone Gap, Titanium Accelorator, Xamarin, Swift
Video: Explainer videos, investor pitches, viral videos, "how-to" videos,
Content: Writing, copywriting, research and development, editing and copy checking
Digital Marketing Communications: Suppressing bad reviews, link development, directory listings, etc..
PPC (pay-per-click) Advertising: Google, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, other.
Email Management Services: MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Oasys, GoMoxie, etc.
Live Chat Management Services:
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Systems, contact management, contract registration, Enterprise Resource Planning software, etc., other.
There are a vast array of service providers, and a diverse levels of skills sets, resulting in irregularities in service provision, quality of work, and timeliness of delivery.
The internet is strewn with plagiarists, scammers, opportunists, snake-oil sales people, con-artists and other charlatans, while quality service providers, experts, artists, and professionals struggle to find clients.
It identify the genuine form the fly-by-night operators, we have a registration and application screening process. Only registered applicants get to see tender documents, or even apply for work.
There is a one-off nominal fee that contribute s to assessment of work and background check for service providers.
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